Results for 'A. De Leo'

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  1. Antología del pensamiento de Enrique Díaz de León.Enrique Díaz de León - 1988 - Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Universidad de Guadalajara. Edited by Alfredo Mendoza Cornejo.
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    Zeichen und Subjekt im logischen Diskurs Hegels.Sánchez de León Serrano & José María - 2013 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Hegels Auffassung vom Subjekt und von dessen Verhältnis zur Sprache ergibt eine gegenüber allen seinen Vordenkern neue Konzeption der Philosophie und der Aufgabe des Denkens überhaupt. Die Frage gilt nicht mehr der Erkenntnis der Prinzipien, die unserem Denken als das "Vorausseyende" zugrunde liegen, sondern in der Wissenschaft der Logik geht es um die Aufdeckung der Weise, in der sich das Vorgefundene im begreifenden Denken als das Wirkliche manifestiert. Die Vorstellungen machen sowohl für Kant als auch für Hegel den Stoff aus, (...)
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  3. On temporal representations: a study from the lexicon.Sylvia Costa, Federico de León, Ernesto Macazaga García & Yamila Montenegro - 2024 - In Carlos Enrique Caorsi & Ricardo J. Navia (eds.), Philosophy of language in Uruguay: language, meaning, and philosophy. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Notification of Unexpected, Violent and Traumatic Death: A Systematic Review.Diego De Leo, Josephine Zammarrelli, Andrea Viecelli Giannotti, Stefania Donna, Simone Bertini, Anna Santini & Cristina Anile - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:542332.
    Background: The way the death of a dear person is communicated can have a profound impact on the entire bereavement process. The words and expressions that are used to give the tragic news, the characteristics of who communicates it, the physical setting in which the notification is given, the means used (e.g., in person, via phone call, etc.) are just some of the factors that can influence the way survivors face one of the most difficult moments in their lives. Aim: (...)
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    La percezione mediante l’immaginazione.Daniela De Leo - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:383-400.
    La perception à travers l’imaginationDans le présent travail, je mets en relation les lectures de Wittgensteil et de Gadamer avec les manuscrits de Merleau-Ponty avec l’intention de traverser la construction du « concept de représentation » et de réfléchir sur les questions suivantes : quel lieu occupe la dimension esthétique dans l’expérience humaine? Dans l’expérience esthétique, faut-il retrouver autant le profil émotionnel que le profil cognitif? Le point de départ est que l’esthétique ne doit pas être comprise comme une simple (...)
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  6. Evolución del pensamiento francés de la escolástica, a la Revolución.Marta Cuevas de León - 1953 - [Guatemala]:
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  7. De la tyrannie, Correspondance avec Alexandre Kojève.Leo Strauss, Hélène Kern, André Enegrèn, H. Kern, A. Enegrèn & de Launay - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (4):550-551.
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    Unamuno: el poeta del pensamiento.Ángeles Cerón, Francisco de Jesús, Luis Álvarez Castro, Ángeles de León, José Miguel, Durán Ugalde, Carla María, Nazzareno Fioraso, Gemma Gordo Piñar, Hernández Moreno, Jesús Carlos, Claudio Maíz, Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos, Orejudo Pedrosa, Riccardo Pace, Carrillo Juárez & Carmen Dolores (eds.) - 2018 - Querétaro (México): Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
    If Unamuno had been able to choose how to be remembered, he would have wanted him to be a poet. This book wants to do justice to that happy possibility. But above all because Unamuno was a poet in the highest sense: he was while writing the same essay as a novel, or theater, letter or verse, and he was also a poet when he passionately lived all the facets of his intense existence. His intellectual work was poetic and his (...)
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    Introduction to the science of ethics.Theodore de Leo De Laguna - 1914 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    The Potential Impact of Adjunct Digital Tools and Technology to Help Distressed and Suicidal Men: An Integrative Review.Luke Balcombe & Diego De Leo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Suicidal men feel the need to be self-reliant and that they cannot find another way out of relationship or socioeconomic issues. Suicide prevention is of crucial importance worldwide. The much higher rate of suicide in men engenders action. The prelude is a subjective experience that can be very isolating and severely distressing. Men may not realize a change in their thinking and behaviors, which makes it more difficult to seek and get help, thereby interrupting a “downward spiral”. Stoicism often prevents (...)
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  11. La Doctrine de la Revelation Divine de Saint Thomas d'Aquin Actes du Symposium Sur la Pensée de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Tenu À Rolduc, les 4 Et 5 Novembre 1989.A. Blanco, Leo Elders & Accademia Romana di S. Tommaso D'aquino E. Di Religione Cattolica - 1990 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
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    Éloge de la grippe A.Léo de Javel - 2009 - Multitudes 39 (4):9.
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    A manual of modern scholastic philosophy.Désiré Mercier, Désiré Nys, Jean Halleux, M. de Wulf, Thomas Leo Parker & Stanislaus Anselm Parker (eds.) - 1926 - St. Louis,: B. Herder book company.
    I. General introduction to philosophy, by Cardinal Mercier. Cosmology, by D. Nys. Psychology, by Cardinal Mercier. Criteriology, by Cardinal Mercier. General metaphysics; or, Ontology, by Cardinal Mercier. Appendix to Cosmology, by D. Nys.--II. Natural theology; or, Theodicy, by Cardinal Mercier. Logic, by Cardinal Mercier. Ethics: General ethics, by A. Arendt (based on Cardinal Mercier's notes); Special ethics, by J. Halleux. History of philosophy, by M. de Wulf. Synopsis in the form of the principal theses. Glossary of scholastic terms, by G. (...)
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    The Machiavellian enterprise: a commentary on The Prince.Leo Paul S. De Alvarez - 1999 - DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press.
    Scholars have long maintained that Machiavelli's "The Prince" does not develop a single sustained argument but rather presents a set of disparate reflections; however, de Alvarez takes a different view. In "The Machiavellian Enterprise", he demonstrates that there is an internal consistency in "The Prince" built upon a key argument that has been previously overlooked. De Alvarez presents his bold and sophisticated argument in an accessible manner and incites debates and discussions that reshape the view of the western tradition's most (...)
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    Leo Strauss, judaïsme et philosophie.Danielle Cohen-Lévinas, Marc B. de Launay, Gérald Sfez & Leo Strauss (eds.) - 2016 - [Paris]: Beauchesne.
    Leo Strauss (1899-1973) a inscrit sa pensée dans l'héritage de la tradition grecque, mais également dans celui de la tradition biblique. Se rapportant au judaïsme comme à une révélation de la Loi (pour laquelle la dimension de la foi est secondaire), il fait retour à une pensée juive (Pourquoi nous restons juifs) et tente de prolonger la réflexion de Maïmonide dans les conditions nouvelles des temps présents. Il s'oppose ainsi à sa rénovation par l'approche phénoménologique de Franz Rosenzweig comme à (...)
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    Teoría de los valores y filosofía de la historia.León Dujovne - 1959 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Paidós.
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  17. The last biwa singer: A blind musician in history, imagination and performance.Hugh De Ferranti, Robert Bagley, Gustav Heldt, Jennifer Rudolph, Yi Tae-Jin, Charlotte von Verschuer, Kristen Lee Hunter, Jessieca Leo, Catherine Despeux & Livia Kohn - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Psychologische aspecten van gepersonaliseerde verkiezingen : Perceptie van de persoonlijkheid van de kandidaten en de invloed ervan op het stemgedrag.Hans De Witte & Leo Lagrou - 1984 - Res Publica 26 (5):615-644.
    This study investigates bath the relationship between evaluation of personality traits of party-leaders and party identification, and the evaluation of personality traits as a determinant of voting behaviour. One month before the Belgian national elections of November 81 201 voters evaluate personality traits of four welt known leaders of the main Flemish political parties.Factor analysis indicated three main dimensions in the evaluation of personality traits of politicians : reliability, expertness and self-control. The personality profiles of every party-leader were quite similar (...)
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    La filosofía de la historia desde el renacimiento hasta el siglo XVIII.León Dujovne - 1959 - [Buenos Aires]: Galatea-Nueva Visión.
  20.  5
    Karl Kraus as “Volksklassiker”? Upton Sinclair and the Translation of Die letzten Tage der Menschheit (Including an unpublished Kraus manuscript).Leo A. Lensing - 1984 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (1):156-168.
    Anhand eines bisher unveröffentlichten Briefentwurfs wird erläutert, warum Karl Kraus schließlich nicht auf einen Vorschlag Upton Sinclairs einging, Die letzten Tage der Menschheit ins Englische übersetzen und in einer sozialistischen Sammlung von “Volksklassikern” erscheinen zu lassen. Der Aufsatz berücksichtigt sowohl die Bestände des Kraus-Archivs als auch den Upton-Sinclair-Nachlaß der Indiana University.
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    A Visionary Approach: Lynn A. De Silva and The Prospects for Buddhist-Christian Encounter ed. by Elizabeth J. Harris and Perry Schmidt-Leukel. [REVIEW]Leo D. Lefebure - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):403-404.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Visionary Approach: Lynn A. De Silva and The Prospects for Buddhist-Christian Encounter ed. by Elizabeth J. Harris and Perry Schmidt-LeukelLeo D. LefebureA VISIONARY APPROACH: LYNN A. DE SILVA AND THE PROSPECTS FOR BUDDHIST-CHRISTIAN ENCOUNTER. Edited by Elizabeth J. Harris and Perry Schmidt-Leukel. Sankt Ottilien: EOS, 2021. 390 pp.This volume presents essays exploring the legacy of Lynn A. de Silva (1919–1982), a Methodist pastor and biblical scholar in (...)
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  22. Estudios de filosofía de derecho.José] León Barandiarán - 1929 - Lima,: Imp. "Minerva,".
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    Leo Strauss on Moses Mendelssohn.Leo Strauss - 2012 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Martin D. Yaffe.
    Leo Strauss's introductions to ten writings of Moses Mendelssohn -- Preliminary remark by Alexander Altmann -- Introduction to Pope a metaphysician! -- Introduction to "Epistle to Mr. Lessing in Leipzig" -- Introduction to Commentary on Moses Maimonides' "Logical terms" -- Introduction to Treatise on evidence in metaphysical sciences -- Introduction to Phädon -- Introduction to Treatise on the incorporeality of the human soul -- Introduction to "On a handwritten essay of Mr. de Luc's" -- Introduction to The soul -- Introduction (...)
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    La música en la naturaleza y en el hombre: aplicación de la teoría de Darwin a la musicología.León Tello & Francisco José - 2012 - Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre. Edited by León Sanz & Isabel María.
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  25. Estudios de historia de la filosofía en México.Miguel León Portilla (ed.) - 1963 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
    León-Portilla, M. El pensamiento prehispánico.--O'Gorman, E. América.--Gallegos Rocafull, J. M. La filosofía moderna en la Nueva España.--Villoro, L. Las corrientes ideológicas en la época de la Independencia.--Zea, L. El positivismo.--Salmerón, F. Los de filósofos mexicanos del siglo XX.--Villegas, A. El liberalismo mexicano.
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    Temas de ética y epistemología de la ciencia: diálogos entre un filósofo y un científico.León Olivé - 2011 - México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Edited by Ruy Pérez-Tamayo.
    Este libro es una recopilación de artículos, ponencias y conversaciones -casi todos provenientes del Seminario de Problemas Científicos y Filosóficos de la UNAM- y conforman un diálogo, que recuerda el intercambio epistolar, entre dos figuras destacadas dentro de la filosofía de la ciencia en México. Los textos se han ordenado cronológicamente y están escritos en un tono informal; el objetivo es introducir al lector en los temas actuales de la filosofía de la ciencia desde dos enfoques distintos, el ético y (...)
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    Droit de reponse adresse a la revue «socialisme» : La politisation de l'administration.Léo Moulin - 1972 - Res Publica 14 (4):865-869.
  28. Introducción a la historia de la folosifía judía.León Dujovne - 1949 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Israel.
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  29.  12
    La filosofía del derecho de Hegel a Kelsen.León Dujovne - 1963 - Buenos Aires,: Bibliográfica Omeba.
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    Aristotle's Cosmology: A Commentary on the De Caelo.Leo Elders - 1966 - Van Gorcum.
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    A felicidade utilitarista de John Stuart Mill.Léo Spagnolo - 2023 - Griot 23 (1):245-258.
    Para John Stuart Mill prazer e felicidade não são a mesma coisa, pois uma determinada quantidade de prazer desfrutado não significa necessariamente que a pessoa alcance a felicidade na mesma proporção. A felicidade seria um apanhado geral de bem estar presente não apenas no indivíduo, mas em toda a sociedade na qual ele vive. Desta forma Mill compreende que não pode haver uma sociedade onde todos os indivíduos tenham uma quantidade ilimitada de prazeres e que sendo assim existiram pessoas sofrendo (...)
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    De verdeling van de nationale en regionale bevoegdheden.Leo Neels - 1984 - Res Publica 26 (3):363-373.
    The distribution of competences between the national state, the communities and the regions is subject to criticism. The state reform laws f 1980 have admittedly led to many confiicts, due to a lack of clearnessof the terms of the law and to the incomplete character of the reform.A clear option is to be made between a federal regime as such, a regionalised state and separatism; so far this option has only been postponed, which leaves the actual state structure rather confused (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, J. Lambrecht, J. M. Tison, J. -M. Tison, S. Trooster, P. Fransen, C. Verhaak, L. Bakker, Leo Bakker, H. van Leeuwen, P. Smulders, A. van Kol, R. Hostie, J. Vercruysse, B. van Dorpe, L. van Bergen, Alph Houben, P. Verdeyen, Bernard van Dorpe, P. Sm, P. Grootens, Jos Vercruysse, A. Poncelet, J. H. Nota, H. Robbers, J. Kijm, H. Somers, G. Dierickx, P. van Doornik, H. Bojorge, L. Braeckmans, J. Rupert, J. Kerkhofs, Penning de Vries & P. Penning de Vries - 1967 - Bijdragen 28 (1):82-116.
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    El buen vivir: miradas desde adentro de Chiapas.Stefano Claudio Sartorello, Ávila Romero, León Enrique, Agustín Ávila & Miguel Sánchez Álvarez (eds.) - 2012 - [Chiapas]: IESALC-UNESCO.
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  35. Apprendre à fuir (à propos des modes relationnels.Leo Bersani - 2014 - In Foucault contre lui-même. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    A Critique of Philosophy of Being df Alfred North Whitehead in the Ligth of Thomistic Philosophy.Leo A. Foley - 1948 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 4 (2):214-215.
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    Apriorisme et psychologisme sont-ils compatibles ?: L'interprétation empiriste de la Critique de la raison pure de Beneke à J.B. Meyer.Léo Freuler - 2002 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 (3):341-361.
    Cette contribution propose une étude, à la fois historique et critique, des controverses autour de l'interprétation empiriste ou friesienne de la Critique de la Raison Pure dans la période de 1830 à 1870. Il s'agit de l'idée que les connaissances a priori existent, certes, mais que leur découverte, ou la conscience que nous en avons, est a posteriori, et par conséquent de nature psychologico-empirique. This paper proposes a study, at the same moment historical and critical, on the controversies about the (...)
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  38.  10
    Argument et action des Lois de Platon.Leo Strauss - 1990 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Les Lois ne sont pas le dialogue de Platon le plus connu, ni a fortiori le plus commente. Strauss nous en donne ici un commentaire magistral: serre, il epouse toutes les sinuosites du texte et en revele toute la subtilite. Ce commentaire, publie apres la mort de l'auteur, mais entierement termine, est le fruit d'une vie entiere de meditation de l'oeuvre de Platon. A ce titre, il constitue un exemple privilegie de l' art de lire les textes de l'antiquite de (...)
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  39.  52
    Mimesis, Violence, and Socially Engaged Buddhism: Overture to a Dialogue.Leo D. Lefebure - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):121-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mimesis, Violence, and Socially Engaged Buddhism: Overture to a Dialogue Leo D. Lefebure University ofSaint Mary ofthe Lake René Girard's analysis ofdesire, mimetic rivalry, and the surrogate victim mechanism seeks to transform human consciousness in order to overcome seemingly intractable patterns ofrivalry and violence. In this project the Buddhist tradition, with its long commitment to nonviolence, its age-old suspicion of ordinary views of the self, and its ancient experience (...)
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    El problema del tiempo en la ontología orientada a los objetos: Un encuentro entre Deleuze y Harman.Eduardo Alberto León - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 103:59-88.
    Este artículo pretende contribuir y desarrollar a una de las principales críticas a la ontología orientada a los objetos en su formulación actual propuesta por Graham Harman en su concepto de tiempo que, tras una inspección más cercana, hace que la teoría general sea inconsistente. Si bien este es el caso, la noción de tiempo de Harman puede modificarse de manera que deje intacto el marco de la ontología orientada a objetos. Aunque, esta teoría ya se puede encontrar en Lógica (...)
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  41.  32
    De Animalibus. Michael Scot’s Arabic-Latin Translation, Part Two: Books XI-XIV: Parts of the Animals a critical Edition with an Introduction, Notes, and Indices. [REVIEW]Leo J. Elders - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (2):410-410.
    This edition of Michael Scot’s Latin translation of Aristotle’s De partibus animalium is part of a vast project, under the supervision of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, to publish the Syriac, Arabic, and Hebrew translations of Aristotle’s works, of the Latin translations of these works, and of the medieval paraphrases and commentaries made in the context of this translation tradition. After a general introduction, the Latin text is presented, followed by a good number of excellent notes, an (...)
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  42.  39
    Métaphysique et morale de Descartes à Kant.Léo Freuler - 1998 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2:219-236.
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    La science au pluriel: essai d'épistémologie pour des sciences impliquées.Léo Coutellec - 2015 - Versailles: Éditions Quae.
    Léo Coutellec propose dans cet ouvrage de construire un espace de réflexion critique sur ce qu’il nomme la science impliquée. Nom d’une science qui prend acte de sa responsabilité, attentive aux conséquences, une science qui ouvre la possibilité d’un questionnement sur ses finalités, qui ne revendique plus sa neutralité axiologique pour affirmer son objectivité, la science impliquée vise au partage des savoirs et des pouvoirs liés à ces savoirs. Pour l’auteur, l’enjeu est de doter la science d’un nouveau principe démocratique (...)
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    Entre A. Dumas et J. Potocki : retour sur des phénomènes d'allophonie vocalique dans les parlers poitevins nord-ouest ou le transcrupscrit retrouvé dans une cabane à huîtres.Jean-Léo Léonard - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    Les parlers poitevins nord-occidentaux (Noirmoutier, Marais nord vendéen) présentent une variation allophonique complexe du vocalisme. On peut distinguer plusieurs niveaux de diphtongaison qui rendent ces variétés particulièrement intéressantes pour l’analyse phonologique. L’étonnante diversité des formes phonétiques en surface peut cependant se réduire à deux grandes catégories de noyaux vocaliques, simples (monophtongues) et complexes (monophtongues longues et diphtongues sous-jacentes). Les premières sont sujettes à des contraintes d’expression liées à l’atérité, ou laxité, tandis que les deuxièmes alternent des voyelles tendues avec des (...)
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    A ciência pós-determinista, supradisciplinar e transparadigmática: reacendendo o debate sobre teoria, analogia e conceito.Leo Peixoto Rodrigues - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):151-172.
    Resumo: Este artigo se inicia discutindo um tema relativamente clássico na epistemologia, qual seja, analogia, conceito e teoria, explorando uma perspectiva contemporânea do fazer científico e, em alguma medida, da filosofia. A partir daí, busca reacender o debate, sempre necessário, sobre teoria, analogia e conceito, à luz da produção do conhecimento científico, destacando abordagens supradisciplinares e transparadigmáticas. Para tanto, socorre-se de diferentes áreas do conhecimento científico, a sociologia clássica e contemporânea, elementos da biologia, aspectos da cibernética, para demostrar que a (...)
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    Infinity in the Presocratics: a bibliographical and philosophical study.Leo Sweeney - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    Throughout the long centuries of western metaphysics the problem of the infinite has kept surfacing in different but important ways. It had confronted Greek philosophical speculation from earliest times. It appeared in the definition of the divine attributed to Thales in Diogenes Laertius (I, 36) under the description "that which has neither beginning nor end. " It was presented on the scroll of Anaximander with enough precision to allow doxographers to transmit it in the technical terminology of the unlimited (apeiron) (...)
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    (1 other version)Knut Hamsun.Leo Löwenthal - 1937 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 6 (2):295-345.
    As reflected in the spirit of the times, certain fundamental changes have occurred in such concepts as nature, reason, and life. While in the liberal era nature appeared to man as a sphere to be conquered by him for the enhancement of his material happiness, today it is an ideal offering an escape from the vicissitudes of social life. Confidence in the power of reason and of science turns into hatred of intelligence, because the latter is an instrument of domination (...)
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  48.  48
    Law and apocalypse: The moral thought of Luis de León (1527?-1591).Karl A. Kottman - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This study will deal with interpreting the moral, social and spiritual views of the famous Spanish theologian and poet, Luis de Leon. ...
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    La utopía del "retorno” de Leo Strauss frente a las utopías modernas.María Alejandra Vanney - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 2.
    Strauss claims that the general crisis in Western world is closely related to the crisis which political philosophy as such is undergoing. Apart from that, the latter is the result of the revolutionary changes introduced by the creators of modern political philosophy, whose conclusions insist that it is necessary to break with tradition in order to construe a new political science. The article examines the straussian’s vision of Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and finally, Nietzsche. Based on this description, Strauss proposes that (...)
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    Les 24 thèses thomistes: De l'évolution à l'existence.Leo Sweeney - 1964 - Modern Schoolman 41 (2):201-202.
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